| 1. | They and their nations were doomed to what khrushehev had called peaceful coexistence . 他们和他们的国家必然要走向赫鲁晓夫所指的和平共处。 |
| 2. | These people, being reduced to the last extreme of misery, cried out that they and their children were dying of hunger . 这些人实在生活不下去而大声疾呼地说他们和他们的孩子快要饿死了。 |
| 3. | Neither of them had an adequate conception of the complicated forces at work outside the smooth and gentle current in which they and their associates floated . 他们两个,除了他们自己所过的以及和自己一流的人所过的那种风平浪静的生活,对于任何其他活动的复杂势力,全没有充分的认识。 |
| 4. | What are they and why are they loaded now 它们是什么?为什么现在被加载? |
| 5. | I that ' s because they and speak 我猜那是因为他们想的和讲的不一样。 |
| 6. | May they and their business prosper 祝愿他们一路平安,事业繁荣昌盛 |
| 7. | Sugar substitutes what are they and how do they work 糖替代品是什么,它们是怎么发挥作用的? |
| 8. | What are upc codes ? what are they and how do i get one 什么是upc代码? ?它们是什么?我如何能得到? |
| 9. | So they and the chief priests sent some guards to arrest him 祭司长和法利赛人,就打发差役去捉拿他 |
| 10. | So they and the chief priests sent some guards to arrest him 祭司长和法利赛人,就打发差役去捉拿他 |